2018 Tax Tables: Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan tax tables below cover the 2018 tax return year. All of the below tax amounts (tax credits and tax deductions) have been built into the Canadian Tax Return Calculator to allow you to calculate your tax return online. The Canadian Tax Return Calculator is free to use and provided as is. We welcome feedback and feature requests and do all we can to make the tax return calculator 100% accurate. If you spot an error in the Saskatchewan tax tables, please let us know.

Tax Tables
British Columbia20202019201820172016
New Brunswick20202019201820172016
Newfoundland and Labrador20202019201820172016
Northwest Territories20202019201820172016
Nova Scotia20202019201820172016
Prince Edward Island20202019201820172016
Non Resident20202019201820172016
Tax Tables [ Non Refundable Tax Credit Rates and Amounts for 2018 ]
Tax rate applied to credits11%
Indexation factor31.3%
Basic personal$ 15,843.00
Spousal/partner and wholly dependant person 4,5,13$ 15,843.00
Spousal/partner and wholly dependant person 4,5,13 Net income threshold$ 1,585.00
Dependants6,13:18 and over and infirm$ 9,334.00
Dependants6,13:18 and over and infirm Net income threshold$ 6,623.00
Child7: (max)$ 6,010.00
Disability9$ 9,334.00
Disability supplement10$ 9,334.00
Pension9 (max)$ 1,000.00
Age 65 and over9,11$ 4,826.00
Age 65 and over9,11 Net income threshold$ 35,927.00
Medical expense threshold12$ 2,237.00
Caregiver13$ 9,334.00
Caregiver13 Net income threshold$ 15,940.00
Canada Pension Plan15 (max)$ 2,544.00
Employment Insurance15 (max)$ 955.00
Public transit pass costs16na
Children's fitness17 (max) and arts18$ 0.00
Home buyers19 (max)$ 10,000.00
Tuition fees and interest paid on student loans20na
Education and textbook20 Full time-per month$ 400.00
Education and textbook20 Part time-per month$ 120.00
Charitable donations21 Credit rate on first $20011%
Charitable donations21 Credit rate on balance15%
Charitable donations Credit rate on balance for Earner over 200k from 2016 onwards33%
Combined Top Marginal Tax Rates For Individuals - Interest and Regular Income48%
Combined Top Marginal Tax Rates For Individuals - Capital Gains24%
Combined Top Marginal Tax Rates For Individuals - Eligible Dividends30.33%
Combined Top Marginal Tax Rates For Individuals - Non-eligible Dividends40.06%